Session Start (freenode:#etech): Tue Mar 15 15:12:36 2005 [15:12] *** Initial topic: (Link: [15:12] *** #etech: striatic oedipa Earthman seanbonner marksimpkins NelsonM holgate noidfish joho deitynoir rich_gibson SebPaquet zzgavin rajiv pixelcort cheesebikini michaelhilton boris knauer Knekk beepbeep_ blech KW markp bkdelong JayF buridan imajes_ jcgregorio cygmund termie rajiv|work lyza Mutiny ilan xicubed _dav crysflame JimH Netminder _adam_gfx adamhill Greg___ esigler [15:12] *** NiallKennedy has joined #etech. [15:12] *** #etech was created on Sat Mar 12 18:22:27 2005. [15:12] *** markp has signed off IRC ("Chatzilla 0.9.67 [Firefox 1.0.1/20050225]"). [15:14] *** joe_hughes has joined #etech. [15:16] *** pjw has joined #etech. [15:16] *** markp has joined #etech. [15:17] NelsonM: artificial archaeobiology [15:19] NelsonM: Art Burks was an awesome guy [15:19] NelsonM: er, *is* [15:20] *** tengi has joined #etech. [15:22] _dav: anyone blogging dyson's talk? [15:22] Earthman: Great talk [15:22] NelsonM: is he writing a book on this material? [15:22] *** tengi has signed off IRC (Client Quit). [15:22] marksimpkins: he should.. [15:23] NelsonM: I hope that's what all this research is for :-) [15:23] marksimpkins: rael understatement... [15:23] *** aeden has joined #etech. [15:23] *** robotfoto has joined #etech. [15:24] aeden: 36 *is* old ;-) [15:24] *** dviner has joined #etech. [15:24] aeden: jk [15:24] marksimpkins: grrr [15:24] aeden: marksimpkins what are you "grr"ing about? [15:25] *** jemstone has joined #etech. [15:25] marksimpkins: i'm 34 so less of the old :) [15:25] aeden: heh [15:25] *** robotfoto has signed off IRC (Client Quit). [15:26] *** TrevorFSmith has joined #etech. [15:26] Earthman: (Link: [15:26] *** ccoryell has joined #etech. [15:26] aeden: hmm..automated playback over Skype for spam [15:26] aeden: that'll suck [15:27] NelsonM: as soon as Apple gets 5% market share, we'll have Apple viruses [15:27] *** NelsonM has signed off IRC ("Leaving"). [15:27] pixelcort: Yeah, because Mac OS X is just /loaded/ with bugs and buffer overflows. [15:28] markp: ahem, macs have always had cooler viruses than pcs [15:28] aeden: hah! [15:28] cheesebikini: also the spam meme that encourages ppl to spam works like an organism [15:28] markp: anyone old enough to remember wdef? [15:28] markp: it infected you just by inserting an infected floppy [15:28] aeden: yes! [15:28] markp: anyone old enough to remember floppies? [15:29] *** Jibbler has joined #etech. [15:29] joho: raise your hand if you owned a kaypro [15:29] * Earthman worked on a Mac with a 5-1/4" floppy [15:29] aeden: Earthman I think we did that in 5th grade :-D [15:29] jcgregorio: sorry, a vic-20 was my first computer [15:29] michaelhilton: i used to have a computer with no HDD, just two floppy drives [15:29] cygmund: I had a Kaypro II [15:29] Earthman: twiggy [15:29] joho: what's his topic? [15:29] aeden: my first computer ran VMS [15:30] marksimpkins: ZX81 tape rules [15:30] dviner: how to stop an arms race. [15:30] aeden: thanks to the University of Miami [15:30] bkdelong: hehehe. Apple II here. :O [15:30] pjw: MITS ALTAIR'S RULE [15:30] aeden: my first experience with Usenet pr0n was on VMS [15:30] aeden: how's that for whacked? [15:30] *** JayF has signed off IRC ("Chatzilla 0.9.66 [Mozilla rv:1.7.5/20041107]"). [15:30] * markp is sorry i brought it up [15:30] aeden: heh [15:30] bkdelong: I do have an Athena machine sitting next to me. [15:31] aeden: I suppose I should pay attention to the speaker [15:31] aeden: he's quite funny [15:31] cygmund: Cory's blogging the Dyson talk, of course: (Link: [15:31] jcgregorio: ooh, athena, I programmed on those [15:31] bkdelong: Well, this is a SunBlade 1100 running Athena rather. [15:32] jcgregorio: I wrote an app that distributed applications across a network of athena machines [15:32] dviner: no firewall == no virus ? [15:33] *** noidfish has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)). [15:33] *** seanbonner has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). [15:33] *** knauer has signed off IRC (). [15:33] aeden: time [15:33] *** aeden has signed off IRC (). [15:33] Earthman: Off to lunch! [15:33] *** holgate has signed off IRC (). [15:33] *** dviner has left #etech. [15:33] *** Earthman has signed off IRC ("Snak 4.13 IRC For Mac - (Link:"). [15:33] *** joe_hughes has signed off IRC (). [15:33] *** TrevorFSmith has signed off IRC ("Oops. This machine just fell asleep"). [15:33] *** michaelhilton has signed off IRC (). [15:33] *** jemstone has signed off IRC (). [15:33] _dav: thanks, cygmund [15:33] *** zzgavin has signed off IRC (). [15:33] _dav: off to ORA salad! [15:33] bkdelong: The mass exodus to lunch [15:34] *** cheesebikini has signed off IRC (). [15:34] *** marksimpkins has signed off IRC (). [15:38] *** bkdelong has signed off IRC ("Trillian ((Link:"). [15:39] *** NiallKennedy has signed off IRC (). [15:41] *** joho has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)). [15:42] *** pixelcort has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)). [15:42] *** deitynoir has signed off IRC (). [15:44] *** pjw has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)). [15:47] *** Rafe has joined #etech. [15:47] *** gustaf has joined #etech. [15:49] *** NiallKennedy has joined #etech. [15:49] *** nlowell has joined #etech. [15:50] *** hod has joined #etech. [15:51] nlowell: lively conversation? [15:51] gustaf: not from what I've seen [15:51] gustaf: but I connected 5 minutes ago... [15:52] Knekk: people are at lunch now [15:52] Knekk: most people took off. [15:52] nlowell: ah [15:52] nlowell: PST .. of course [15:52] nlowell: well, what'll we say about them while they're gone :D [15:52] *** ccoryell has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). [15:53] Knekk: nothing nice, of course. [15:54] nlowell: well, YA .. we can be nice when they're here :D [15:57] *** SebPaquet has signed off IRC ("Chatzilla 0.9.67 [Firefox 1.0/20041107]"). [15:58] *** Suw has joined #etech. [15:59] jcgregorio: so..., now we know who isn't at ETech [16:00] Suw: ha ha ha [16:00] Knekk: wish I were [16:00] Suw: yeah [16:00] gustaf: m3 t00 [16:01] *** euansemple has joined #etech. [16:01] gustaf: ;-) [16:01] striatic: i'm glad i'm not there [16:02] striatic: if i was, i wouldn't be enjoying the freezing cold toronto weather [16:02] _dav: need a PRoP: (Link: [16:02] _dav: we could all chip in and then take turns being there [16:02] nlowell: well, this is as close as *I* will ever get [16:03] boris: striatic: freezing cold? we just hit +2 in montreal today .. yay! [16:04] *** esigler has signed off IRC (). [16:04] Suw: i was there by proxy for a bit, through km's webcam [16:04] Suw: aaah, a hint of such joys as shall not be mine [16:04] Suw: this year [16:06] *** You have been disconnected. Tue Mar 15 16:06:38 2005. [16:08] *** Automatically rejoining channel... [16:08] *** Channel re-joined successfully. [16:08] *** Initial topic: (Link: [16:08] *** #etech: striatic euansemple Suw hod nlowell NiallKennedy gustaf Rafe Jibbler oedipa rich_gibson rajiv boris Knekk beepbeep_ blech KW buridan imajes_ jcgregorio cygmund termie rajiv|work lyza Mutiny ilan xicubed _dav crysflame JimH Netminder _adam_gfx adamhill Greg___ [16:08] *** #etech was created on Sat Mar 12 18:22:27 2005. [16:09] nlowell: sssshhh .. he's back [16:09] *** knauer has joined #etech. [16:11] *** knauer has signed off IRC (Client Quit). [16:11] nlowell: i didn't think he'd EVER leave [16:12] striatic: hm? [16:13] nlowell: joke [16:13] striatic: gotcha' [16:13] nlowell: this place better liven up soon or I'll start TELLIN some :D [16:13] nlowell: and that could get very ugly [16:13] crysflame: bah [16:13] striatic: very [16:13] striatic: hm [16:13] *** _dav has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection). [16:13] striatic: trillian isn't liking my icq connection very much right now [16:14] *** kasei has joined #etech. [16:14] striatic: not that, you know, i have more than two icq contacts [16:14] nlowell: ah, you need to dump ICQ [16:14] nlowell: the new TOS says AOL owns your chat [16:14] striatic: i know [16:14] striatic: i primarily used aim [16:14] nlowell: ack [16:14] striatic: not by choice [16:15] *** Rafe has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). [16:15] nlowell: ya .. i hear ya [16:15] * striatic polishes shiny jabber account [16:15] striatic: i'd much rather have them all on that [16:15] striatic: fat chance of that ever happening [16:16] striatic: so i guess it is going to have to be yahoo [16:16] Knekk: have you looked at BitlBee? [16:16] *** zzgavin has joined #etech. [16:16] striatic: no [16:16] Knekk: IRC -> IM gateway [16:16] Knekk: you can use your IRC client for all your IM needs [16:16] * Knekk uses irssi as IRC client, and BitlBee to keep all his IM accounts in one place. [16:16] nlowell: i like jabber too [16:17] striatic: well, unless my mom will use it, it is useless [16:17] adamhill: and if the AOL TOS was interpreted to say the moon is made of green cheese by /. , the geeks would be lining up with their fucking crackers [16:17] nlowell: i got some ritz! :D [16:17] adamhill: and I got a bridge in Brooklyn [16:17] nlowell: but GETTING to the moon is a lot harder to get to [16:18] nlowell: the supermarket is much closer and i think i already have some green cheese in it [16:18] Knekk: striatic: don't need your mom to use it. You have an IRC client right? you can use that for IM. [16:19] Knekk: strcheck out [16:19] Suw: adamhill! [16:19] *** ccoryell has joined #etech. [16:19] adamhill: hola suw [16:19] striatic: right .. but it what will she use? [16:19] Suw: how goes? [16:19] nlowell: the problem is that eventually the chat gets posted on ICQ/AOL [16:19] adamhill: no much [16:19] Knekk: striatic: she can use whatever she wants. [16:20] adamhill: +t [16:20] striatic: what if she wants to use aim? [16:20] striatic: then at some point, i'm using their servers [16:20] Knekk: striatic: with Bitlbee you can connect to AIM, YIM, MSN, Jabber and others [16:20] striatic: no matter what client or gateway i'm using [16:20] Knekk: striatic: so you want to avoid their servers? [16:20] nlowell: but his MOM is the bottleneck [16:20] striatic: yes [16:20] Knekk: ah, I missed that part of the convo, sorry [16:20] nlowell: :D [16:21] striatic: i already have a multi IM client [16:21] *** jcgregorio has signed off IRC ("Chatzilla 0.9.67 [Firefox 1.0.1/20050225]"). [16:21] striatic: actually, i have a couple of them .. [16:21] nlowell: so .. you dont think AOL really owns the chat adamhill? [16:21] nlowell: or claims to? [16:21] striatic: although, i think the aim TOS issue is probably a mountain/molehill thing [16:21] striatic: i doubt that it is legally defensible [16:22] Suw: not sure they could enforce it [16:22] nlowell: i'm not sure they'd have to [16:22] nlowell: once they take the content and publish it, the damage is done [16:22] adamhill: AOL's pres/CEO disavowed the TOS applied to chat to the press [16:22] *** pixelcort has joined #etech. [16:22] nlowell: did he offer to sell a bridge with it? [16:22] adamhill: only applied to communities, which has always been the case [16:22] striatic: they should clarify the language if that's what they really mean [16:23] nlowell: the TOS doesn't dis-aggregate [16:23] striatic: and even if it only applies to forums, it is still ridiculous [16:23] adamhill: it was a cut-n-paste [16:23] nlowell: what was a cut-n-paste? [16:23] *** oedipa has signed off IRC ("Leaving"). [16:24] *** FrankK has joined #etech. [16:25] nlowell: (Link: <-- my source .. this is a cut-n-paste? [16:26] striatic: arg .. [16:26] adamhill: the TOS change, 10 dollars someone cut some boilerplate from someplace else [16:26] striatic: why can't we all just live in a jabber utopia? [16:27] nlowell: now THAT i can believe [16:27] striatic: and dance through the jabber grass collect cute little jabber faeries in cute little jabber cups? [16:27] nlowell: and they're backpedalling to beat hell [16:27] nlowell: but what's there is what's there [16:27] nlowell: oooo.. no faeries [16:27] nlowell: the neo-cons will git cha [16:28] pixelcort: Now might be a good time to insight panic in AIM users and get them all to exodus to an open platform like Jabber/XMPP. [16:28] gustaf: never happen [16:28] nlowell: and it'll have to be a Manly Dance or they'll nail yer fer promoting un-Family Values :D [16:28] nlowell: i like it pix! :D [16:28] pixelcort: The same theory that keeps everyone in can also be used to get everyone out. [16:28] striatic: jabber needs to get unified and accessible like mozilla is now [16:29] striatic: one click, install and you're done [16:29] nlowell: ya .. jabzilla [16:29] pixelcort: If people see their friends move away, they'll move away too. Amazing social phenomenon. [16:29] nlowell: friends?! [16:29] pixelcort: s/friends/buddies/ [16:29] nlowell: i remember those .. long time ago .. ? [16:29] *** tengi has joined #etech. [16:29] nlowell: people that like ya and talk to ya and such? [16:30] * nlowell is teasing. [16:30] striatic: wow [16:30] striatic: bloglines has improved since the last time i tried it out [16:31] *** sexygirl153 has joined #etech. [16:32] adamhill: bloglines is evil [16:32] striatic: evil? [16:32] *** jbond has joined #etech. [16:32] striatic: well [16:32] adamhill: they hammer servers, have no idea what 'back off' means [16:32] striatic: at least that isn't a capital E [16:32] adamhill: ok, bloglines coders are stupid :) [16:32] pixelcort: I guess I'll have to say it again: polling is bad. [16:33] nlowell: so .. what's emerging? [16:33] pixelcort: The Buzz Game is cool. (Link: [16:33] *** jseng has joined #etech. [16:33] jseng: ch [16:33] jseng: er [16:34] *** Ewan_ has joined #etech. [16:34] gustaf: hey Ewan_ [16:34] *** Tubbs has joined #etech. [16:35] jbond: pixelcourt: even with all the tricks? 304 etc. [16:35] *** zzgavin has signed off IRC (). [16:35] *** joe_hughes has joined #etech. [16:36] nlowell: is lunch over? or have more people just checked their feeds? [16:36] Ewan_: Hey gu [16:36] Ewan_: staf [16:36] Ewan_: (Link: Crow's New Blog [16:37] pixelcort: jbond: What tricks? [16:37] FrankK: nice Ewan [16:37] *** hober has joined #etech. [16:37] jseng: network is slow :-( [16:37] *** _dav has joined #etech. [16:38] striatic: does anyone know if there's a webservice that will read rss feeds and convert them into emails it will send to a list? [16:38] *** noidfish has joined #etech. [16:38] jseng: rss2mail [16:38] *** knauer has joined #etech. [16:38] *** migurski has joined #etech. [16:38] jbond: pixelcourt: backing off the poll time if the data doesn't change. Using etag. [16:38] pixelcort: For rss2mail, you'd have to set it up to run periodically somewhere. [16:38] pixelcort: Oh, regarding polling. [16:39] striatic: will that let the recipients block the incoming mail? [16:39] pixelcort: Yes, that all helps reduce polling problems, but some would like their RSS live. [16:39] *** migurski has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)). [16:39] pixelcort: Also, this Slashdot-banning-ETech thing is annoying. [16:39] *** noidfish has signed off IRC (Client Quit). [16:40] jbond: slashdot coding sucks. I regularly get banned at home because I'm behind the ISPs transparent http proxy shared with 1000s [16:40] *** jemstone has joined #etech. [16:40] *** Schuyler has joined #etech. [16:40] pixelcort: I can understand them not wanting to same redundant data to the same address. [16:40] jbond: They make no attempt to get the real remote IP [16:41] pixelcort: If people are running NAT, they should be running an HTTP cache, too. [16:41] _dav: you should be ssh-tunneling your web traffic anyhow [16:41] _dav: etech's always got plenty of ettercaps andd the like running [16:41] crysflame: oh yeah [16:41] jbond: But if you use Pub-Sub instead of polling then you put considerable effort on the server side [16:42] pixelcort: Not terribly considerable. The spammers send messages in bulk all the time. [16:42] *** KW has signed off IRC (). [16:42] *** pjw has joined #etech. [16:42] *** SDEtech99 has joined #etech. [16:42] *** deitynoir has joined #etech. [16:43] *** jemstone has signed off IRC (Client Quit). [16:43] crysflame: if all the rss reader people would just commit to sharing their downloaded feed content by rendezvous with etags, then clients could generate and check the etag at the server [16:43] crysflame: using a specially crafted etag algorithm, namely that which apache uses [16:43] pixelcort: And for PubSub we would only send out a few bytes, simply "Hey! This URL changed. Come an' get it!" [16:43] *** michaelhilton has joined #etech. [16:43] jbond: It's a political problem now (wasn't it always with RSS) [16:44] nlowell: is there any other kind of problem? [16:44] jbond: "If everybody coded properly" [16:44] jbond: We'd never get anything done [16:44] * crysflame nods [16:45] *** marksimpkins has joined #etech. [16:45] Schuyler: so um. is etech any good this year? [16:45] buridan: no [16:45] jseng: so-so [16:46] pixelcort: It is 86.7% good. [16:46] *** joe_hughes has signed off IRC (). [16:46] *** knauer_ has joined #etech. [16:47] SDEtech99: rss and foaf were a lot more exciting last year [16:47] *** zzgavin has joined #etech. [16:47] jbond: FOAF. Exciting. Right. [16:47] jseng: lol [16:47] nlowell: does foaf DO anything yet? [16:47] *** sky__ has joined #etech. [16:48] pixelcort: I was hoping for FOAF trust metrics to no avail. [16:48] SDEtech99: no, but last yearit LOOKED like it could [16:48] SDEtech99: now we're all jaded [16:48] nlowell: rofl [16:48] jbond: FOAF is a google scale problem. And Norvig thinks there isn't any metadata on the web. [16:48] adamhill: "The world belongs to those that show up" [16:49] adamhill: oh yeah, BTorrent... impossible [16:49] sky__: the irc network is working ago [16:49] *** jemstone has joined #etech. [16:49] Schuyler: hi sky__ [16:49] nlowell: those that show up whom, adamhill? [16:49] nlowell: :) [16:50] sky__: Schuyler! you here? [16:50] sky__: or are you in the east end? [16:50] Schuyler: neither. I'm in Bristol. [16:50] *** joaop has joined #etech. [16:50] *** imajes has joined #etech. [16:50] Schuyler: we're going back to London tomorrow, though. [16:50] jbond: this network is slow.. [16:51] sky__: bristol? having a dirty weekend? [16:51] *** imajes has signed off IRC (). [16:51] Schuyler: jbond: you have 500 people on a single wi-fi segment. what did you expect? [16:51] Schuyler: sky__: no, we've been hiding out. [16:51] jbond: heh [16:51] jbond: But then always-on is always slow [16:51] sky__: Schuyler: one of those wifi vswitches? [16:51] sky__: Schuyler: hiding from what? your land lord? [16:52] *** kasei has left #etech. [16:52] *** imajes has joined #etech. [16:52] Schuyler: Don't get me started about the network at ORA conferences. Let me just say that I am grateful that it is no longer my problem. [16:52] sky__: Schuyler: I am probably going up to SFO over the weekend and flying home later [16:52] jbond: (Link: Norvig: A friend of mine just asked can I send him all the URLs on the web that have dot-RDF, dot-OWL, and a couple other extensions on them; he couldn't find them all. I looked, and it turns out there's only around 200,000 of them. [16:52] Schuyler: No, just hiding out from London. [16:52] *** bkdelong has joined #etech. [16:53] jbond: schuyler: should I know you? [16:53] Schuyler: jbond: that ignores all the RDF web services, of which there are actually quite a few (cf ecademy, livejournal) [16:53] *** cheesebikini has joined #etech. [16:53] jbond: quite [16:53] *** karenL has joined #etech. [16:53] Schuyler: jbond: *should* you know me? maybe. do you? I don't know, who are you? [16:53] jbond: Google makes no attempt to do anything useful with XML or RDF. Or MP3 ID3 tags [16:53] Schuyler: hey cheesebikini, how's Sandy Eggo? [16:54] *** noidfish has joined #etech. [16:54] jbond: webmaster of ecademy. And from Ware, Herts [16:54] jbond: So not far from London in an asian taxi driver kind of way. [16:54] Schuyler: oh, cool. nah, I'm Just Another RDF Hacker. [16:54] sky__: if you ever been in the same room as schuyler, you would know him [16:54] adamhill: but we can find open webcams with Google, go figure... [16:54] jbond: adamhill: heh! [16:55] jbond: Matt Jones just said "Extelligence" [16:55] sky__: jbond: we have met at SoS [16:55] jbond: social legibility. So not Chav then [16:55] Schuyler: how's the conf, sky__ [16:55] jbond: SoS? [16:55] sky__: Schuyler: fun [16:55] sky__: Smith of Smithfields [16:55] jbond: notCon? [16:55] sky__: I think at least [16:56] jbond: right [16:56] jbond: Orkut meetup... [16:56] *** plasticbagUK has joined #etech. [16:56] sky__: ah, that was it [16:56] adamhill: aka Brazillian Meetup [16:56] jbond: Whatever happened to Orkut anyway? I heard it had a brazilian. [16:56] jbond: Clean shaven [16:57] adamhill: hacked by carnivale [16:57] jbond: Didn't Matt Jones do Glancing last year? [16:57] noidfish: that was matt webb [16:57] plasticbagUK: they're all the same [16:57] plasticbagUK: aspects of a greater whole [16:57] *** migurski has joined #etech. [16:57] *** Alice has joined #etech. [16:57] jbond: the whole universe of Matts [16:58] jbond: WHich one has the black belt? [16:58] *** knauer has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). [16:58] plasticbagUK: Jones [16:58] plasticbagUK: Webb's interconnected [16:59] *** joaop has signed off IRC ("Leaving"). [16:59] jbond: Heathcote and Jones are so. So. So English. [16:59] *** ChrisL_AK has joined #etech. [16:59] plasticbagUK: oooooh sexy [16:59] plasticbagUK: all dark and hot [16:59] plasticbagUK: pulsing [16:59] plasticbagUK: > cough < um [16:59] plasticbagUK: sorry [16:59] plasticbagUK: bac, in the room now [16:59] Suw: hey tom :) [17:00] * Alice eyes tom [17:00] plasticbagUK: heya! [17:00] jbond: Stop meeing around with the lights [17:00] plasticbagUK: eep [17:00] jbond: messing [17:00] sky__: Heathcote is a finn! [17:00] *** TrevorFSmith has joined #etech. [17:00] jbond: Smart furniture! Ikea that assembles itself [17:00] Suw: plasticbagUK: how' s etech? [17:00] plasticbagUK: "I don't go here" [17:00] plasticbagUK: "You want me in the bedroom" [17:00] jemstone: jones won't like being called english [17:00] plasticbagUK: "Ew, I hate the shelves" [17:00] plasticbagUK: s'cool [17:00] plasticbagUK: mind blocked by other stuff a bit [17:01] *** Earthman has joined #etech. [17:01] plasticbagUK: including presentations we're doing [17:01] jbond: The boxing Granny! [17:01] crysflame: hi, plasticbag [17:01] Suw: i'm sure you'll be great :) [17:01] *** jseng has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection). [17:01] Suw: wish i was there. but never mind. [17:01] * crysflame too [17:01] jbond: wish you were here [17:01] plasticbagUK: my brain isn't hurting as quickly this year [17:02] *** migurski has left #etech. [17:02] plasticbagUK: I odn' tknow if that means my brains' bigger or the conference is less brain hurty [17:02] *** jseng has joined #etech. [17:02] Suw: maybe it's like water off a ducks' back this year [17:02] Suw: ;-) [17:02] jbond: mmm. toast. [17:02] Suw: talking of brain hurty, i just watched a documentary about maps in Welsh. [17:02] crysflame: i SO wish i had a movie of that map table raising up [17:02] * crysflame is sad [17:03] plasticbagUK: What do people think about the toast thing? [17:03] crysflame: ever since i saw it in riven.. mm [17:03] plasticbagUK: is that kind of thing going to be a gimmick? [17:03] jbond: crysflame. You will, you will [17:03] adamhill: your head is large cause of the bloggies, use a cold compress :) [17:03] *** pb has joined #etech. [17:03] plasticbagUK: are people actually going to use it or will they get it for $7 from the gadget shop [17:03] Suw: hee hee [17:03] plasticbagUK: and then throw it away [17:03] TrevorFSmith: crysflame: I can't stop thinking about the crowd reaction to that table. [17:03] crysflame: what was the crowd reaction? [17:03] crysflame: people aren't used to reactive materials yet. [17:03] TrevorFSmith: crysflame: Everyone had such an incredible look on their faces. [17:04] crysflame: the thought of combining computers and materials is almost beyond scifi territory [17:04] jbond: neophiles. The lot of them. [17:04] TrevorFSmith: crysflame: It was like someone had just whipped out Grey Goo. [17:04] plasticbagUK: oooh. grey goo. [17:04] crysflame: meanwhile here i sit going "oh my damn i missed it" [17:04] * Suw thinks she must have missed something [17:04] plasticbagUK: magic matter [17:04] TrevorFSmith: Mixed fear, awe, surprise. [17:04] crysflame: Suw: they had a video display table with a touch screen [17:04] TrevorFSmith: I wish I had a picture of *that*. [17:04] plasticbagUK: NO! NO! THE TABLE IS ALIVE! [17:04] crysflame: when they wanted to make the map 3d, the table raised up [17:04] crysflame: and turned into a 3d topo map [17:05] crysflame: so a flat touchscreen that can turn 3d on a moment's notice? [17:05] jbond: Must. [17:05] striatic: like a membrane? [17:05] Suw: eeee! oooooo! aaaaaaa! [17:05] jbond: not. [17:05] jbond: LOL [17:05] striatic: or like .. raised pins? [17:05] crysflame: striatic: mumble yes mumble maybe mumble [17:05] Suw: ok, i want to see that too [17:05] TrevorFSmith: It was just such a perfect moment, capturing the crowd's neophilia and geekish gawking. [17:05] plasticbagUK: Don't think it was raised pins [17:05] * crysflame nods [17:05] plasticbagUK: but it was like that yeah [17:05] crysflame: Suw: yep. [17:05] plasticbagUK: except looked totally shiny and map like [17:05] sky__: I don't like the yahoo market [17:05] crysflame: i would do anything to see it [17:05] striatic: hm [17:05] plasticbagUK: like a representation of the ground in a litlte stockmarket [17:05] sky__: it isn't a real market [17:05] striatic: they could make a chair out of that [17:05] Suw: did anyone take video? [17:05] plasticbagUK: I was winning an hour or two ago [17:05] plasticbagUK: not now though [17:06] sky__: and it is going to get massively hacked [17:06] striatic: people would buy a chair that does that [17:06] sky__: because there is no captha [17:06] sky__: captcha [17:06] crysflame: i bet that once it leaves beta, it's tied into yahoo! accounts [17:06] crysflame: which do have capatcha [17:06] adamhill: someone in #geo found the URL - (Link: [17:06] sky__: also I cannot short sell [17:07] sky__: and they don't describe the pricing system [17:07] sky__: what we need is a future market on google adwords [17:07] TrevorFSmith: I'm so pissed that Chris' session is filled past capacity. [17:07] sky__: that has real value [17:07] *** sexygirl153 has signed off IRC (Connection timed out). [17:07] TrevorFSmith: Next thing you know, we'll be like DEFCon. [17:07] *** joho has joined #etech. [17:07] crysflame: Chris' session? [17:07] jbond: Ooh futures in adwords. es [17:07] TrevorFSmith: Tangible computing. [17:07] crysflame: hi, dw [17:07] crysflame: trevor: ooo [17:07] sky__: jbond: you need quite a lot of cash to start it, but an external company could do it [17:07] plasticbagUK: he doesn't need a tiara!± [17:07] sky__: question is of course, how would google react, the could kill it [17:08] jbond: Chris and Matt *are* Adam and Joe. [17:08] jbond: Or maybe the Mighty Boosh [17:08] TrevorFSmith: jbond: snort [17:08] Suw: adam_and_joe++ [17:08] plasticbagUK: oh you're so right [17:09] *** knauer_ has signed off IRC (). [17:09] jbond: SuW: You been watching Nathan Barley? [17:09] Suw: no [17:09] Suw: S4C [17:09] Jibbler: the first episode of that was just weird and dull [17:09] Suw: oh, wait, you didn't mean TV did you? [17:09] Jibbler: but the last one was good [17:09] jbond: I can pretend to be a tag too. [17:09] jbond: The heckling is starting [17:10] TrevorFSmith: So, O'Reilly totally needs to figure out how to gracefully overflow. This sucks. [17:10] jbond: We need more blinkenlights [17:10] *** pmarca has joined #etech. [17:10] *** buridan has signed off IRC ("no message here"). [17:11] TrevorFSmith: I can't even get in the door to heckle. [17:11] plasticbagUK: people are milling [17:11] Ewan_: i suggest big projectors somewhere... [17:11] jbond: We had street tagging last year too, [17:11] plasticbagUK: and it's scary [17:11] Suw: heckle by proxy [17:11] *** euansemple has left #etech. [17:11] plasticbagUK: THERE"S GOING TO BE A RIOT [17:11] plasticbagUK: > AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH < [17:11] jbond: where? where? [17:11] *** neb_ has joined #etech. [17:11] Suw: ooh, it's ikea all over again [17:11] plasticbagUK: um. [17:11] gustaf: ballroom blitz [17:12] plasticbagUK: it's ALWAYS been easy to glue stuff together [17:12] plasticbagUK: I used to do it all the time [17:12] plasticbagUK: I'd get headaches and stuff [17:12] plasticbagUK: but I'd feel really gooooood [17:12] Ewan_: yes but I don't think Gloy Gum was in XML [17:12] striatic: have they started bashing each other's skulls in with their powerbooks yet? [17:12] TrevorFSmith: I don't think they're talking about glueing your hand to your face, pb. [17:12] plasticbagUK: ah. [17:12] plasticbagUK: I see. [17:12] plasticbagUK: fine. [17:12] Suw: eyup ewan :) [17:12] Suw: did crow get you sorted? [17:12] Ewan_: Eeey Suw [17:12] jbond: Superglue only works to glue fingertips together [17:13] jbond: you can buy knobs [17:13] *** danyel has joined #etech. [17:13] plasticbagUK: I'd heard that [17:13] *** FrankK is now known as FrankK|zzzzz. [17:13] plasticbagUK: Chris looks scared. [17:13] * Ewan_ orries. Jones is going freeform [17:14] *** imajes has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)). [17:14] jbond: losing it [17:14] plasticbagUK: RIOT! [17:14] plasticbagUK: AAAAAAAAH [17:14] jbond: This is the point where we need a rubber chicken [17:14] sky__: buy one on ebay! [17:14] plasticbagUK: I heard Chris bought a knob. [17:14] Ewan_: Hold on, it's yet ANOTHER non BBC slide that's got Tom Coates picture!!! [17:15] plasticbagUK: what?! [17:15] plasticbagUK: I missed it?! [17:15] plasticbagUK: where!? [17:15] plasticbagUK: no fair. no. fair. [17:15] Ewan_: Jones and Heathcotes "more inputs" slide- you're gawking a GBA DS [17:15] plasticbagUK: I am!? [17:15] plasticbagUK: are you sure!? [17:15] Ewan_: Yep [17:15] marksimpkins: er, he's blowing on it [17:15] neb_: i think that was jones doing the gawking [17:15] Ewan_: slight spaced look, unshaven, post-ironic look. Yep [17:16] plasticbagUK: that couldbe anyone [17:16] *** pixelcort has left #etech. [17:16] *** giles has joined #etech. [17:16] Ewan_: Well I say it's Tom, and I claim my five pounds [17:16] Ewan_: :-) [17:18] Suw: yay! vidchat! [17:18] Suw: i can see a sea of heads. [17:18] adamhill: who has a reflector! [17:18] jbond: What is up with Matt. He keeps breaking into gigges [17:19] *** nlowell has signed off IRC ("Leaving"). [17:19] *** TrevorFSmith has signed off IRC ("Oops. This machine just fell asleep"). [17:19] Alice: DS has breath sensors. [17:20] crysflame: oo [17:20] *** Jonathan_Boutell has joined #etech. [17:20] Suw: i can't see a thing but a sea of heads and a blue screen in the corner [17:20] crysflame: Boutell the Boutell Boutell? [17:20] *** Coolbrz has joined #etech. [17:20] crysflame: plasticbagUK: oh, hi! i just recognized your real name out of scrollback. ltns and stuff [17:21] Jonathan_Boutell: not sure what you mean [17:21] *** imajes has joined #etech. [17:21] crysflame: Boutell: wusage? [17:21] *** pb has signed off IRC ("..."). [17:21] crysflame: hi, imajes [17:22] plasticbagUK: huh? [17:22] plasticbagUK: alice? [17:22] plasticbagUK: oh crys - soder? [17:22] Jonathan_Boutell: no that is not me sorry [17:22] * crysflame nods [17:22] crysflame: Boutell: no worries. hi anyways =) [17:22] plasticbagUK: how do? [17:23] Jonathan_Boutell: I'm Boutelle but it's cropping my tag [17:23] crysflame: it's been nuts [17:23] crysflame: i live in san francisco now, for instance. crazy times. [17:23] *** KevinMarks has joined #etech. [17:23] sky__: where to stay in san [17:24] Suw: damn, i missed that joke [17:24] Suw: waht did he say? [17:24] Alice: you confused again tom? [17:24] *** plasticbagUK has signed off IRC (). [17:25] *** NelsonM has joined #etech. [17:25] *** ChrisL_AK has signed off IRC ("Chatzilla 0.9.67 [Firefox 1.0/20041107]"). [17:26] NelsonM: ok, who's seeding the giant torrents from the etech wireless netowrkk? [17:27] jbond: Nigeria has a bad rep [17:27] sky__: deserved bad rep [17:27] Schuyler: sky__: you need a place to stay in DF? [17:27] *** KevinMarks has signed off IRC ("Oops. This machine just fell asleep"). [17:27] Schuyler: er, SF? [17:27] Schuyler: sky__: why don't you ping ology? he's living downtown [17:27] tengi: Are there any traffic graphs (MRTG/rrdtool) for the ETech network? [17:27] sky__: Schuyler: possibly [17:27] sky__: oo [17:28] Suw: oh damn KevinMarks' flat battery! [17:28] Schuyler: perhaps hackworth could help you out also [17:28] sky__: what is his email? [17:28] sky__: hackworth is out of town until saturday [17:28] Schuyler: [17:29] sky__: which is why I will fly home on Sunday [17:29] Earthman: Hmm, net bandwidth seems to be in short supply [17:29] Schuyler: sky__: if you find yourself hard up, I can definitely find you a place to stay there [17:29] Schuyler: it's an ORA conf, what did you expect [17:29] *** jemstone has signed off IRC (). [17:29] crysflame: hi, schuyler [17:29] sky__: Schuyler: or I will stay at the Compton Place Hotel [17:29] crysflame: come say hi to me in san francisco at some point [17:29] sky__: hmm [17:29] Schuyler: hiya crysflame [17:29] *** marksimpkins has signed off IRC (). [17:29] crysflame: schuyler: you know that gene@ isn't vipul, right [17:29] Schuyler: crysflame: well, Jo and I might come to SF for Where 2.hlagulhluaghluaghluahg [17:29] crysflame: where what? [17:29] sky__: yes [17:30] *** noidfish has signed off IRC (). [17:30] crysflame: Schuyler: i'm already, uh, crashing at ology's [17:30] *** Coolbrz has signed off IRC (). [17:31] sky__: Schuyler: virgin or ba? [17:31] Schuyler: sky__: we'll probably fly from NEw York, since w're already going to be in US [17:32] Schuyler: I like Virgin, though... BA is usually too expensive for me :-) [17:32] *** knauer has joined #etech. [17:32] Schuyler: sky__: heh, ology says you can squeeze in there with him and Coral [17:32] *** michaelhilton has signed off IRC (). [17:34] *** noidfish has joined #etech. [17:34] *** knauer has signed off IRC (Client Quit). [17:36] *** TrevorFSmith has joined #etech. [17:37] *** jemstone has joined #etech. [17:38] *** joho has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)). [17:38] *** sky__ has signed off IRC ("Client exiting"). [17:38] *** pixelcort has joined #etech. [17:39] *** cheesebikini has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)). [17:39] *** joe_hughes has joined #etech. [17:39] *** Schuyler has left #etech. [17:39] *** migurski has joined #etech. [17:39] *** Jonathan_Boutell has signed off IRC (). [17:39] *** sky__ has joined #etech. [17:39] *** tengi has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection). [17:39] *** wkearney_away has joined #etech. [17:39] *** wkearney_away is now known as wkearney99. [17:40] *** daveviner has joined #etech. [17:40] *** Suw has signed off IRC (). [17:40] *** jemstone has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection). [17:41] *** Crystaltips has joined #etech. [17:41] *** cheesebikini has joined #etech. [17:41] daveviner: are there channels for each room? [17:42] *** jbond has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)). [17:42] crysflame: not to my knowledge [17:42] danyel: Dave, it's more exciting when we have to wonder which channel links to which conversation. ("I hate that slide!") [17:42] *** michaelhilton has joined #etech. [17:42] daveviner: haha [17:43] *** joho has joined #etech. [17:43] *** pmarca_ has joined #etech. [17:43] *** Suw has joined #etech. [17:43] *** marksimpkins has joined #etech. [17:44] *** tengi has joined #etech. [17:44] *** cybaea has joined #etech. [17:45] *** mike has joined #etech. [17:45] neb_: C: perhaps prefacing your comment with the ballroom letter? [17:45] *** michaelhilton has signed off IRC (Client Quit). [17:45] *** jemstone has joined #etech. [17:45] migurski: B: too easy [17:45] *** NelsonM has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection). [17:46] *** hodder has joined #etech. [17:46] neb_: C: we're learning about unstuffing DNA in here [17:46] SDEtech99: how many more ppl are here this year than last year? [17:46] SDEtech99: these rooms are crowded [17:46] *** boris has signed off IRC ("Leaving"). [17:46] mike: too many good talks - are slides available for talks we miss? [17:46] cybaea: SDEtech99: way too crowded rooms. [17:46] cybaea: mike: Some of them were last year after the event [17:47] migurski: B: plenty of seating in B, surprisingly [17:47] SDEtech99: i'd love dyson's slides [17:47] migurski: salesforce looked s-l-a-m-m-e-d [17:47] SDEtech99: it is slammed [17:47] SDEtech99: SRO [17:47] mike: dna has room - v interesting [17:47] sky__: slammed? [17:48] migurski: everybody wants that salesforce magic money goodness [17:48] daveviner: lol [17:48] SDEtech99: full [17:48] migurski: instead i'm hearing about pornography! [17:48] SDEtech99: standing room only [17:48] daveviner: "moore's law stopped" ???? [17:48] migurski: HA [17:48] *** pixelcort has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection). [17:49] *** joe_hughes has signed off IRC (). [17:49] TrevorFSmith: C: Well, we're not certain that it has room. A lot of what was once "junk" is now considered essential. [17:50] *** noidfish has signed off IRC (). [17:50] mike: programming bacteria as a class project.... [17:50] migurski: B: decency laws are diff. from obscenity laws, interesting [17:51] *** wseltzer has joined #etech. [17:51] *** karenL has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). [17:51] neb_: C: designing a platform or framework for bioengineering [17:52] *** Earthman has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)). [17:52] imajes: uk blogger tom reynolds in the times - (Link: [17:53] *** pmarca has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). [17:53] *** deitynoir has signed off IRC (). [17:54] neb_: C: boolean NOT gates built of proteins [17:54] mike: C: Parts -> Devices -> Systems = biological product [17:54] crysflame: salesforce magic money? [17:54] daveviner: yahoo++ [17:54] *** jbond has joined #etech. [17:54] daveviner: (according to salesforce guy) [17:54] *** Ewan_ has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). [17:54] *** tengi has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection). [17:54] cybaea: P: "Sforce web service API is now responsible for 20% of activity." [17:55] sky__: where is the salesforce talk? [17:55] danyel: Cybaea: Hm. And flickr this morning was cited at 15% right now, yes? [17:55] *** cheesebikini has signed off IRC (). [17:55] mike: C: made ring oscillator with bioligical components - set of 3 nand gates [17:55] cybaea: P: "eBay API is responsible for 40% of listings." [17:55] *** pixelcort has joined #etech. [17:56] *** gustaf has left #etech. [17:56] cybaea: danyel: I didn't catch that number [17:56] *** wkearney99 has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)). [17:56] neb_: i realize that there are 2 "B"s. perhaps the letter preface was not so hot. but this gets solved by reffering to Plaza B as "P" [17:56] mike: C: dna won't replace a microprocessor - but simple things like 8 bit counter embedded in a cell could be very useful [17:57] cybaea: neb_: Been doing that :-) [17:58] *** deitynoir has joined #etech. [17:59] neb_: i know, i thought i'd clear that up [17:59] *** giles has left #etech. [17:59] mike: c: spec'ing dna interfaces - "remember not laid out on a breadboard - all mixed in together" makes it harder [17:59] mike: C: took two years to make the ring oscillator - hasn't been repeated :-( [18:00] *** genmon has joined #etech. [18:00] *** cheesebikini has joined #etech. [18:01] *** tengi has joined #etech. [18:01] cybaea: P: demo,, and [18:01] crysflame: thanks for the quotes ^P: [18:01] *** KevinMarks has joined #etech. [18:01] *** wkearney99 has joined #etech. [18:01] *** Alice has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). [18:02] mike: cybaea: no mention of NetSuite :-) ? [18:02] cybaea: mike: No - don't be silly :-) [18:03] *** daveviner has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)). [18:03] migurski: C: prepaid (cash) internet porn cards! [18:03] cybaea: mike: Nor rightnow. See also (Link: [18:04] cybaea: P: You can't use with a microphone :-) [18:05] *** pmarca__ has joined #etech. [18:05] *** pmarca__ is now known as pmarca. [18:05] cybaea: migurski: why do I buy them?! :-) [18:05] neb_: C: congress has outlawed the synthesis of smallpox [18:05] *** alice has joined #etech. [18:06] alice: flakola. [18:06] migurski: cybaea: anonymity! [18:06] neb_: C: polio was synthesized from online sequence data using DNA delivered by fedex [18:06] mike: c: risk strategy for smallpox is physical containment - "easy to do for past three years, but now its illegal" [18:06] mike: "easy to synthesize" I meant [18:06] *** migurski has left #etech. [18:07] cybaea: If it is easy to synthesize how is outlawing it going to help? [18:07] mike: c: 'engineering of dna is coming online' 'is getting easier and easier to manipulate it' [18:07] cybaea: ("If smallpox is illegal, only criminals will have smallpox") [18:07] *** Crystaltips has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)). [18:08] *** paulm has joined #etech. [18:08] mike: C: "making smallpox is now a crime, but the only people who will make it for release won't care that's its against the law" [18:08] *** todbot has joined #etech. [18:08] jbond: mike: physical containment is illlegal? [18:09] cybaea: P: He is going to run out of time [18:09] mike: C: Technology classes relevent to future biological risk (needed capabilities): manipulation, detection, analysis, response [18:09] cybaea: P: ten minutes left [18:09] mike: jbond: synthesis of smallpox is easy, but now its illegal. I feel safer, don't you? [18:09] *** cheesebikini has signed off IRC (). [18:10] jbond: ok. thought we were talking EU human rights. [18:10] *** cheesebikini has joined #etech. [18:10] cybaea: P: yawn. [18:10] *** pixelcort has left #etech. [18:10] mike: C: technology for manipulating genetic info is cheap and available worldwide [18:12] wkearney99: info's cheap, actually DOING it isn't [18:12] mike: C: 2600 article: Hacking the Genmoe [18:12] cybaea: P: has re-invented Oracle Forms. This is a good thing????? [18:12] jbond: cybea: ugh! [18:12] *** alice has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)). [18:12] mike: wkearney99: his point is that its getting cheaper and easier, including garage level hacking, I mean remixing :-) [18:13] *** alice has joined #etech. [18:13] cybaea: P: is just like Oracle Forms, except .. uhm .. not as "good"? [18:14] SDEtech99: sooo, it's a CMS with lots of modules? [18:14] mike: anyone in B? What's coming down the pipe driven by porn industry requirements? [18:14] *** pmarca_ has signed off IRC (Connection timed out). [18:14] SDEtech99: heh, he said pipe [18:14] Suw: lots of people in orange and red at etech, i see. wonder if that means something [18:14] alice: guffaw [18:14] mike: C: programming bacteria to take a picture [18:14] cybaea: P: "You don't have to use point-and-click: you could just write an XML configuration file" [18:14] alice: hey where's the online schedule ? i can't find it on the wiki [18:14] cybaea: P: right-on ..... [18:15] cybaea: Alice: (Link: [18:15] mike: C: student competition [18:15] alice: ta cybaea [18:15] *** marksimpkins has signed off IRC (). [18:15] mike: C: (I think?) [18:15] *** rodan has joined #etech. [18:16] bkdelong: Is there a chumpbot in here? [18:16] jbond: what other technologies are the pr0n industry working on and leading the field? [18:16] jbond: peercasting. video on demand? [18:16] mike: DNA picture "Hello World" - gigapixel. 10x10", each 1" sq has a billion cells. Cool picture! [18:16] bkdelong: teledildonics? [18:16] mike: Took 10 weeks to 'build' it. [18:16] neb_: C: photosensitive plate of handcoded bacteria reproduce "Hello World" [18:17] paulm: checkout the totally encrypted layer exchangers of children pron have put on the net... apparently very well implemented [18:17] mike: C: student team did this - well beyond speaker's PhD only 8 yrs ago [18:17] jbond: dealing with bandwidth issues without involving akamai [18:18] TrevorFSmith: "They didn't spell out 'you just got 0wn3d, you got Ebola' they spelled out 'hello, world'." [18:18] *** jemstone has signed off IRC (). [18:18] jbond: paulm. Which fails when dumb end user gets their C fixed at C World [18:18] jbond: C fixed at Circuit city [18:18] jbond: PC! [18:18] paulm: jbond: fortunately ;-) [18:18] jbond: damn P key [18:19] mike: c: (Link: - slides from this talk, ppt [18:19] jbond: The ebay defence [18:19] jbond: I bought a second drive on ebay and didn't bother reformatting it [18:19] *** sky__ has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)). [18:19] *** danyel has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). [18:20] cybaea: Time's up - somebody tell the speaker, please [18:20] bkdelong: We're sticking a crapload of BioEng course material on MIT OCW this cycle [18:20] paulm: just for the record: I don't have that kind of material, but I prefer to physically destroying an older drive over selling it [18:20] bkdelong: ....BTW [18:20] cybaea: Next show: coffee :-9 [18:20] cybaea: later [18:20] *** deitynoir has signed off IRC (). [18:21] *** cybaea has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection). [18:21] *** genmon has signed off IRC (). [18:21] *** neb_ has signed off IRC (). [18:21] *** todbot has signed off IRC (). [18:21] mike: C: "Any one of you could go build" ... brings up Ebay screen [18:21] *** tengi has signed off IRC (). [18:21] paulm: ciao [18:21] *** paulm has signed off IRC ("Leaving"). [18:21] mike: C: searches for DNA Synthesizer [18:22] mike: C: "You build a massively parallel DNA synthesizer for $20k" [18:22] *** zzgavin has signed off IRC (). [18:23] mike: C: brought up the DNA sequence for smallpox - from size (Link: [18:23] mike: size -> site [18:23] mike: C: "You build" -> "You can build" [18:24] *** _dav has signed off IRC ("grrrrr"). [18:26] mike: C: "costs about $1.40 per base pair" - about $200k to order smallpox commercially [18:26] *** deitynoir has joined #etech. [18:26] mike: C: "noise [cost] to build it yourself" [18:27] mike: C: showing us a website where you can order DNA - just give them the sequence (but they won't do smallpox, or other agents they screen against) [18:28] mike: C: Can build about 40k base pairs now (human genome is 4 billion) [18:28] *** rodan has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)). [18:29] mike: C: don't use the term "killer application" when you're talking about biological fabrication :-) [18:30] *** michaelhilton has joined #etech. [18:32] mike: C: Q&A continues - worth dropping by [18:32] *** sky__ has joined #etech. [18:33] *** joho has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)). [18:33] mike: C: never mind - q&a finished [18:33] *** wkearney99 has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)). [18:33] *** TrevorFSmith has signed off IRC ("Oops. This machine just fell asleep"). [18:33] *** jemstone has joined #etech. [18:35] *** jseng has signed off IRC (). [18:35] *** joe_hughes has joined #etech. [18:36] *** zzgavin has joined #etech. [18:40] *** TrevorFSmith has joined #etech. [18:41] *** SDEtech99 has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)). [18:41] *** ccoryell has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). [18:41] crysflame: haha [18:42] sky__: gr [18:43] *** jbond has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). [18:43] *** cybaea has joined #etech. [18:43] *** pmarca has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)). [18:44] *** mike has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)). [18:45] cybaea: C: Nelson on the stage. Hi Nelson ... [18:46] *** jbond has joined #etech. [18:46] *** hodder has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). [18:47] striatic: hm [18:47] striatic: groceries via RSS [18:47] striatic: that's what i need [18:47] *** michaelhilton has signed off IRC (). [18:48] striatic: feed me. [18:48] *** SDEtech99 has joined #etech. [18:49] crysflame: 304 Not Modified [18:49] *** pmarca___ has joined #etech. [18:49] *** pmarca___ is now known as pmarca. [18:49] cybaea: C: Starting now. [18:50] *** wseltzer has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). [18:51] *** michaelhilton has joined #etech. [18:52] *** ChrisDodo has joined #etech. [18:52] *** _dav has joined #etech. [18:52] *** ccoryell has joined #etech. [18:52] TrevorFSmith: So, what happened to radio usage in 1993? [18:52] *** joho has joined #etech. [18:53] TrevorFSmith: It had a huge jump for the BBC. Why? [18:53] *** tengi has joined #etech. [18:54] *** dotBen has joined #etech. [18:54] *** migurski has joined #etech. [18:54] *** jseng has joined #etech. [18:54] *** genmon has joined #etech. [18:54] genmon: hey, i'm matt webb [18:54] genmon: i'm on stage in the bbc radio talk [18:54] ChrisDodo: hello mwebb! [18:54] genmon: if you want real-time clarifications, just ask me [18:54] dotBen: lol [18:55] lyza: Hi Matt Web [18:55] migurski: who is the guy talking? [18:55] lyza: I'm staring at you [18:55] dotBen: good luck guys [18:55] genmon: hey folks :) [18:55] TrevorFSmith: So, why did usage have such a jump in 1993? [18:55] genmon: paul hammond: (Link: [18:55] migurski: danke [18:55] dotBen: hes a paranoid fish [18:55] genmon: usage: partially a change of the way the measurements were done, but the trend's there... [18:55] TrevorFSmith: BBC usage, that is. [18:56] *** imajes has signed off IRC (). [18:56] genmon: ..and that's because the rise of good, local commercial drove listening in a wider sense [18:56] *** dviner has joined #etech. [18:56] genmon: (people tend to listen to multiple networks, so listening to one radio station means listening to more) [18:57] *** paulm has joined #etech. [18:57] Suw: hey matt [18:57] *** marksimpkins has joined #etech. [18:58] genmon: here's the 10 hour takeover webpage: (Link: [18:59] genmon: the tracklisting: (Link: [18:59] michaelhilton: i got a page not found from that link [18:59] dotBen: anyone in the google adwords talk in here??? [18:59] sky__: yes [18:59] dviner: yup [18:59] dviner: SOAP vs. rest. [18:59] TrevorFSmith: Could we sell clearchannel to BBC? [18:59] genmon: curious, both links working for me [19:00] cybaea: C: Buzzword bingo. [19:00] migurski: trevor: god yes. [19:00] dviner: why are google and semantic web/bbc talk simultaneous ?? [19:00] genmon: this is matt biddulph: (Link: [19:00] *** karenL has joined #etech. [19:01] cybaea: C: Google not using any of the WS-* standards [19:01] migurski: his bbc + hack was great [19:01] jemstone: (Link: - this is his blog entry on how he did it [19:01] TrevorFSmith: genmon: "good, local commercial dove" is what? stores piping in music? [19:01] dviner: are the conference slides available anywhere ? [19:01] genmon: sorry, meant good, local, commercial radio networks [missed a couple of words]. that drove listening in general [19:02] TrevorFSmith: genmon: ah. thanks [19:02] genmon: radio 1's view on how the takeover worked: (Link: [19:03] *** wch2 has joined #etech. [19:04] cybaea: P: "Stop thinking of API as function calls, think of it as passing XML documents around." [19:04] TrevorFSmith: But, how do I pay off the DJ to get my record on? [19:04] cybaea: Sorry: C [19:05] ChrisDodo: buy lots of phones and text in! [19:05] migurski: Live 105 (in san francisco) often broadcasts in an open studio, at a downtown mall [19:05] *** Jonathan_Boutell has joined #etech. [19:05] migurski: so they encourage you to swing by, and interact directly with the DJ's [19:05] genmon: there were messageboards that organised sms-bombing the 10 hour takeover to get their favourite trakcs on [19:05] dotBen: so far those of you in the bbc talk arent missing much from the google talk [19:05] migurski: i'm sure there's a payola vehicle in there someplace [19:05] ChrisDodo: but it's one play. one play isn't worth anything - getting on a playlist is [19:06] NiallKennedy: migurski: yes, at the Sony Metreon [19:06] genmon: tom coates: (Link: [19:07] *** mike has joined #etech. [19:08] striatic: he was in here earlier [19:08] genmon: this is the first bbc podcasting trial: (Link: [19:08] migurski: striatic: now he's onstage [19:08] dviner: genmon: are you one of the speakers ? [19:08] migurski: unidirectional voice-chat [19:08] genmon: [for people who have just joined, i'm on the stage in the bbc radio talk, throwing out supplementary links and info.] [19:09] genmon: dviner: i'm just sitting on the stage, not speaking today [19:09] dviner: genmon: are the slides online somewhere? [19:09] genmon: dviner: they will be soon [19:09] dviner: sweet [19:09] cybaea: C: SOAP and WSDL interoperability: [19:09] cybaea: Good: .NET, Java (Axis) [19:09] cybaea: OK: C++ (gSOAP), Perl (SOAP::Lite) [19:09] cybaea: Not good: Python (SOAPpy, ZSI), PHP (many options) [19:10] striatic: t(Link: has a sort of description of the 10hour takeover in slide form [19:10] jseng: anyone in the microsoft research lab room? [19:10] _dav: How about Ruby? [19:10] cybaea: C: SOAp and WSDL interoperabilityC: "Python is probably the worst..." [19:10] cybaea: Oops. [19:10] TrevorFSmith: genmon: So, can the BBC tell record companies to piss off, such that their stations aren't payola driven format stations and are reactive to text messages for indie bands? [19:10] cybaea: C: "Python is probably the worst..." [19:10] _dav: Ruby on Rails has wsdl out of the box, not sure how good it is [19:10] wch2: I'm in the microsoft room [19:11] cybaea: _dav: No info from Nelson on that [19:11] TrevorFSmith: wch2: Don't sign anything. [19:11] sky__: jesus [19:11] jemstone: dan hill who works with matt, matt, tom, paul at the BBC talks in more detail about these projects (Link: [19:11] sky__: how the fuck can anything be worse than SOAP::Lite? [19:11] migurski: hah [19:11] genmon: trevorfsmith: the rights situation is pretty nuanced. i think the bbc would prefer to help the whole ecosystem to move to a state where everyone is advantaged rather than strike out on its own. it has a mandate to help the market [19:12] *** pmarca has signed off IRC ("Chatzilla 0.9.67 [Firefox 1.0/20041107]"). [19:12] cybaea: C: "The hardest thing is to send nothing; zero bits" [19:12] dviner: genmon: ar ethe live tracklistings available outside of the bbc ? [19:12] genmon: so the bbc can help the situation along by demonstrating the power of open distribution, etc, and use that as an illustration [19:13] striatic: and then other people can figure out how to coopt and exploit that? [19:13] striatic: ;) [19:13] TrevorFSmith: genmon: You think that it is possible that indie records can find BBC airtime alongside major releases if the demand is demonstrated? [19:13] paulm: the other item the BBC has (that was not on the list) is quite a bit of state funding ;-) [19:13] dviner: that's open source tho... exploit versus utilize is a quite thin line. [19:13] genmon: dviner: for some networks, it's on the websites. in the near future, we're figuring out ways to make this much more open [19:13] *** knauer has joined #etech. [19:14] genmon: for example with distribution, the knock on effect of podcasting In Our Time was a tripling of regular listen on demand [19:14] TrevorFSmith: Nice. [19:15] jseng: whats the name of the app the MS Research guy is demoing? [19:15] migurski: bittorrent has totally replaced tv for me, instinctively it feels like a model i'd switch to entirey [19:15] paulm: how's the MS presentation? [19:16] Jonathan_Boutell: how is the MS Research thing? Is it pie in the sky stuff or semi-useful/interesting? [19:16] jseng: interesting...but i missed the name [19:16] genmon: trevorfsmith: it's starting, gradually. there are mp3 downloads of unsigned artists starting, tho i can't find the url right now. i'll hunt more [19:18] *** janeytk has joined #etech. [19:19] TrevorFSmith: genmon: Are you finding any interesting tag population grouping over time, as happens with flickr? [19:19] genmon: bbc mp3 downloads: (Link: [19:19] *** knauer has signed off IRC (). [19:20] *** dotBen has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection). [19:20] genmon: bbc mp3 downloads: (Link: (mp3free down at the bottom) [19:21] genmon: trevorfsmith: at the moment we're testing internally at the bbc - it's a big place - to gather enough data to see if the tag populations are growing. we're still gathering data [19:22] striatic: how many text messages per hour on the 10 hour takeover? [19:22] jbond: I'd love to see track listings of the music used as backing racks on TV. [19:22] migurski: book clubs are a good model for group listening: the reading happens off-line, the reflection + conversation is synchronized [19:22] TrevorFSmith: genmon: ah. thanks. [19:22] Mutiny: how's the "building a new web service at google" presentation? [19:22] genmon: striatic: i believe 150,000 over 10 hours. i don't know the peak rate. i'll have to check with matt biddulph [19:22] jbond: Especially everythig out of BBC Bristol. eg Gardeners world [19:23] genmon: migurski: book clubs are an example we use inside frequently to stop people thinking too strictly about "technology." book clubs are social software for the 50+ [19:23] striatic: also, was there any feedback to the people voting? on a web site or the Djs saying which songs were picking up votes? [19:23] striatic: or all freeform? [19:24] *** wch2 has left #etech. [19:24] *** hodder has joined #etech. [19:24] jbond: Damn thees seats are hard [19:24] *** knauer has joined #etech. [19:24] sky__: yes [19:24] pjw: mary hodder, did you lose a battery? [19:24] genmon: striatic: the tracklisting provide feedback from takeover day to takeover day, and there's a very short feedback showing the kinds of messages being sent in recently--but no medium-time feedback like you suggest. it's a gap we're discussing how to fill for next time round, because it is very important [19:24] pjw:

[19:25] hodder: hey [19:25] hodder: no.. [19:25] TrevorFSmith: genmon: You're familiar with the PARC "shared media space" research from the 90s? [19:25] TrevorFSmith: PARC and GaTech (and others), that is. [19:25] hodder: but thanks for asking [19:25] striatic: indeed. it would be tricky .. having it mostly blind is might be part of the appeal. [19:25] genmon: trevorfsmith: indeed. encounted a bunch of this stuff for my Glancing talk last year [19:26] *** zzgavin has signed off IRC (). [19:26] *** Earthman has joined #etech. [19:26] genmon: trevorfsmith: we're reaching towards a more social, less goal-directed form of interaction. friendly hanging-out online [19:26] migurski: we (@stamen) built something like this for last year, though in the context of political "town hall" meetings, not music [19:27] SDEtech99: doesn't irc scratch that itch? [19:27] Mutiny: i'd be far far more interested in a google adsense api than an adwords api [19:27] Earthman: This DateLens thing is kinda nice [19:27] TrevorFSmith: genmon: you might also be interested in chatting with Nicolas Ducheneaut about his social TV project (digging 'round for pubs or refs) [19:28] knauer: wow... this microsoft guy sure seems to want us to think everything he is showing is "very cool" [19:28] migurski: datelens - URL? [19:28] jbond: Mutiny: API to what? [19:28] Mutiny: knauer, is any of it? [19:28] Mutiny: jbond, AdSense [19:28] migurski: or was it _data_ lens? [19:28] jbond: yes but what data about adsense [19:28] knauer: he has said "very cool" at least 30 times since I walked in the room 5 mins ago [19:28] knauer: not really [19:28] marksimpkins: yeah, its very cool [19:28] Earthman: migurski: DateLens [19:28] genmon: trevorfsmith: thanks very much. you should talk to tom coates afterwards about this, as he's been doing a lot of thinking about social tv [19:28] *** mike has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)). [19:28] marksimpkins: :( i cant find any URLS for any of this on the MS Research site [19:29] *** danyel has joined #etech. [19:29] *** dviner has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)). [19:29] marksimpkins: can someone ask him to breath. [19:29] SDEtech99: (Link: [19:29] Earthman: Yeah, he reminds me of the FedEx commercial guy [19:29] knauer: the microsoft research stuff was being done at xerox parc 15 years ago [19:29] knauer: (Link: [19:30] Earthman: knauer: everything was being done at PARC 15 years ago :-) [19:30] jbond: re adsense. I want something like three buttons. Like, Ban, Skip available for me on every googlead on the web. [19:30] marksimpkins: thanks SDEtech99 [19:30] *** jseng has signed off IRC (). [19:30] TrevorFSmith: everything you'll use 15 years from now are at PARC now. *cough* [19:30] jbond: Then I could feed back what I wanted them to show on my site [19:30] migurski: tags! tags! tags! [19:30] jbond: because right now Adsense's idea of what they should show on my ste sux. [19:31] jbond: tags++ [19:31] marksimpkins: oh, that was nice [19:31] jbond: hiearchies-- [19:31] SDEtech99: adsense needs pictures [19:31] Mutiny: yeah [19:31] knauer: agreed [19:31] knauer: spinning stuff ++ [19:31] jbond: twirling++ [19:31] Mutiny: it would be nice to be able to say "i want to put ads for *THIS* keyword into this page" rather than have adsense trying to figure it out [19:31] marksimpkins: now, will it break???? [19:31] Mutiny: and then being able to do stuff like smart-tag up your own site if you wanted to. [19:32] migurski: hierarchies + tags == great joy [19:32] Earthman: Things like AdSense are really bad for blogs [19:32] jbond: Thing is we're doing it with technorati tags. but google isn't listening [19:32] jbond: migurski: wikipedia categories? [19:32] marksimpkins: ok, that was good. [19:33] jbond: free form hierarchies [19:33] migurski: that, and using hierarchies of knowns to interpret clouds of tags [19:33] jbond: sorry, not hierarchy. not trees but meshes [19:33] jbond: A tree is just a special case of a mesh [19:34] *** zzgavin has joined #etech. [19:34] TrevorFSmith: BBC: all of those characteristics he just attributed to SMS used to be true for email. [19:34] Earthman: Clustering based on statistical correlation on tags is interesting [19:34] TrevorFSmith: BBC: it used to be an event when you got an email (pre-spam) and it used to be spotty, taking variable amounts of time for delivery. [19:35] *** deitynoir has signed off IRC (). [19:35] striatic: earthman: like the flickr "related" tags? [19:36] jbond: A moment's silence here for John Peel [19:36] *** knauer has signed off IRC (). [19:36] Earthman: striatic: Yes (we just did that on Technorati) [19:36] *** hodder has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)). [19:36] striatic: and too {of course}? [19:36] *** joho has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)). [19:36] Earthman: Si [19:36] Earthman: What we, Del and Flickr do is pretty straightforward [19:37] Earthman: You could do much more [19:37] *** genmon has signed off IRC (). [19:37] *** joho has joined #etech. [19:37] Earthman: What we do is essentially just graph traversal [19:37] * jbond is not hapy about the state of tag UI navigation [19:37] SDEtech99: i want attribute/value pairs for pictures [19:37] SDEtech99: not just tags [19:37] Earthman: You could do more statistical correlation of tags to text [19:37] *** karenL has signed off IRC (). [19:37] * jbond thinks we should work on that before trying to improve the quality of the clustering [19:38] *** migurski has left #etech. [19:38] KevinMarks: well, we have search, lists and heatmaps [19:38] KevinMarks: and those bouncy network thinsg that are fun for 5 minutes [19:38] jbond: [19:39] cybaea: C: switching presenters [19:39] jbond: Those lists of tags in different font sizes are getting irritating [19:39] jbond: and it gets worse when you want to navigate and filter in several dimensions [19:39] jbond: eg category+location+time [19:40] *** deitynoir has joined #etech. [19:40] *** FrankK|zzzzz_ has joined #etech. [19:40] striatic: has anyone done related tags based on multiple input tags? [19:40] alice: where's takingbacktv? [19:40] alice: is it ballroom B? [19:40] marksimpkins: alice: yep [19:40] jbond: Ive been trying to imagine a craigslist that used tags instead of hierarchies. Location is hard [19:41] jbond: and messy [19:41] alice: ta [19:41] TrevorFSmith: striatic: tag fusion is hard, messy [19:41] *** genmon has joined #etech. [19:41] jbond: BBC guys: I want track listings of backing music in TV programs. [19:42] Earthman: For location, can use the notion of Venues, within a well-defined geo area [19:42] *** joe_hughes has signed off IRC (). [19:43] Earthman: Venues are a tag-like, flat space [19:44] jbond: For the poster, flat share in N London has a unique Lat/long. For the searcher they want flat shares, in a price range, in an approxomate geo area [19:44] *** migurski has joined #etech. [19:44] TrevorFSmith: Earthman: where are you getting the def of "venue"? Is that a published lexicon (academic or otherwise)? [19:44] Earthman: Trevor: No, it would be folksie [19:45] TrevorFSmith: *in* a published lexicon, rather. [19:45] Mutiny: did anybody take notes for Annalee Newitz's presentation? [19:45] *** dviner has joined #etech. [19:45] jbond: (Link: [19:45] jbond: for sex drives [19:45] striatic: the venues would be folksie, but the geographical areas would be established within the system [19:46] striatic: or would the geographical areas be arrived at through some social mechanism as well? [19:46] Earthman: striatic: I think the first thing you said [19:46] *** Jonathan_Boutell has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)). [19:47] Earthman: Places people hang out, for example [19:47] TrevorFSmith: Earthman: because there have been many "place vs space" and "re-place-ing space" ideas, none of them particularly well deployed. [19:47] Mutiny: jbond, awesome, thanks. :) [19:47] genmon: anyone know the ip range of etcon? i need to ip range the demo apps to it [19:48] cybaea: C: A != A [19:48] *** hodder has joined #etech. [19:48] *** jrnoded has joined #etech. [19:48] ChrisDodo: talk to tom igoe - he had to do the same [19:49] Mutiny: i'm guessing. :) [19:49] cybaea: C: i == U+2170, U+2139, U+2148 etc. [19:49] TrevorFSmith: genmon: where are you demo'ing? [19:49] genmon: (Link: and (Link: [19:50] Mutiny: considering almost 50% of the people in this channel are using that address, i'm pretty sure. [19:50] dviner: do IRI compliant browsers send cookies to the same place? [19:50] *** lili has joined #etech. [19:50] cybaea: C: (Link: [19:51] Earthman: Stop the Apple commercial and get to Tiger [19:51] Earthman: We all already bought them, for goodness sake! [19:51] jrnoded: heh [19:51] termie: :/ reading [19:51] tengi: genmon: for Tom & Raffi's tutorial, we were using low numbered hosts on 10.10.0.*, but I think they had to clear that with the netops. [19:51] TrevorFSmith: Earthman: what do you think that session is? [19:51] Earthman: lol [19:52] *** Jonathan_Boutell has joined #etech. [19:53] jbond: what are people doing for food tonite? [19:53] Earthman: Oh, a Finder that FINDS? What a concept! [19:53] *** cheesebikini has signed off IRC (). [19:53] *** mattb has joined #etech. [19:53] *** wseltzer has joined #etech. [19:53] *** zzgavin has signed off IRC (). [19:54] Suw: hey wendy! [19:54] *** cheesebikini has joined #etech. [19:54] paulm: geeezzz.. distribute the speech in print and start presenting [19:54] *** TrevorFSmith has signed off IRC ("Oops. This machine just fell asleep"). [19:55] *** jemstone has signed off IRC (). [19:55] jbond: who's up behind the desk. [19:55] dviner: sam ruby's talk is at (Link: [19:55] *** FrankK|zzzzz has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). [19:55] jbond: in ballroom B [19:55] *** ccoryell has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). [19:56] cybaea: C: (Link: [19:56] Earthman: Tag is with metadata, Luke [19:56] Earthman: Tag it* [19:56] Mutiny: oh wow another plone site that looks just like every other plone site, never seen that before. [19:56] jbond: Mutiny: where are you now? [19:57] marksimpkins: so, what are trying to do? [19:57] Earthman: jbond: do you want the answer as a venue or a geocode :-) [19:57] crysflame: is there a decimal geocoding system that doesn't require two sets of numbers, only one? [19:57] jbond: heh [19:58] cybaea: C: :-) [19:58] ChrisDodo: yes - uk grid, finnish grid [19:58] cybaea: C: Y! bashing [19:58] ChrisDodo: but they require letters too [19:58] crysflame: worldwide [19:58] crysflame: letters is fine, but must work for anywhere in the world [19:58] ChrisDodo: hard to do to different resolutions [19:58] crysflame: for bonus points, depth as well [19:58] ChrisDodo: finn grid may be worldwide.... dunno [19:58] jbond: metres along a predefined spiral around the world [19:58] Earthman: Some kind of spiral might work [19:59] dviner: C: not y! bashing... he said y! fixed it.. just didn't document it [19:59] marksimpkins: oh my god. their own set top box [19:59] crysflame: jbond, earthman: nice. [19:59] *** migurski has left #etech. [19:59] marksimpkins: how about PAL :) [19:59] Earthman: Of course, we'd argue about where the spiral would be centered [19:59] *** zzgavin has joined #etech. [19:59] Earthman: Greenwich, I guess [19:59] KevinMarks: geocoding points is not enough [19:59] cybaea: dviner: Yesh, but they released it broken. But good point [19:59] danyel: jbond, interesting, but spiral tightness becomes a problem -- or does the encoding system have limited fineness? [19:59] tengi: their own set top box that you build yourself.... [19:59] jbond: N pole. Or S Pole to avoid being northist [20:00] crysflame: danyel: tightness is defined implicitly by the number of digits of precision, i would think [20:00] *** noidfish has joined #etech. [20:00] jbond: A spiral with 1metre between tracks [20:00] marksimpkins: so, why their STB rather than any other? [20:00] *** Jonathan_Boutell has signed off IRC (). [20:00] cybaea: C: Ouch. Trick questions :-) [20:00] dviner: lol [20:00] Earthman: How long did it take this guy to tag all his photos? [20:00] danyel: crys, that's a massive tech. headache. we can talk offline, but does that mean that 3.1 meters is possibly very far away from 3.11 meters (because the tightness has changed?) [20:00] KevinMarks: you actually need lat,long, radius of interest [20:00] crysflame: danyel: yes [20:01] crysflame: i'm okay with thinking in radians instead of decimal [20:01] jbond: KM: we did this one, right? [20:01] KevinMarks: (notice how all map views have a zoom slider) [20:01] crysflame: (if that's of any help ;) [20:01] KevinMarks: yeah [20:01] KevinMarks: just reminding [20:01] dviner: C: strings are hard to understand... so, let's talk about http.... [20:01] tengi: marksimpkins: NIH, perhaps? [20:01] crysflame: what's the trig function that varies from 0.0 to 1.0 decimal from 0 degrees to 360 degrees? [20:01] jbond: NIH? [20:01] danyel: crys: i'd personally just interleave digits for X and Y position. (123, 456) -> (142536). At least it doesn't claim to be a distance... [20:01] tengi: not invented here.... [20:01] marksimpkins: ah [20:01] *** TrevorFSmith has joined #etech. [20:01] KevinMarks: sin (d*4) [20:02] *** bkdelong has left #etech. [20:02] noidfish: is this channel logged anywhere? [20:02] KevinMarks: why do you want a 1-d coordinate system? [20:02] marksimpkins: at Diverse last year there where a number of STB's based on cheap PC boards and linux [20:02] crysflame: okay. distance from the origin point as a floating point from the decimal point leftward, position on the sphere from zulu meridian as sin (d*4) [20:03] crysflame: split on '.', reverse the left side, voila [20:03] * crysflame cackles [20:03] KevinMarks: silly [20:03] Mutiny: another lovely day in san diego. [20:03] *** buridan has joined #etech. [20:03] crysflame: that is all [20:03] marksimpkins: ok, so the EPG is more important than the STB (or how it is defined) [20:03] KevinMarks: what was the goal, chrys? [20:03] KevinMarks: packed BAM is better [20:03] striatic: noidfish: not that i know of [20:03] jbond: arrg he's a bird watcher [20:03] striatic: my client is logging it though so that's one place [20:03] marksimpkins: :) [20:04] tengi: isn't the guide where Tivo makes their money? [20:04] marksimpkins: yep, EPGs are considered commercial data [20:04] KevinMarks: BAM has neat proporties as it overflows corretcly in longitude [20:04] jbond: Let Google do the guide [20:04] *** NelsonM has joined #etech. [20:04] *** rossm has joined #etech. [20:04] marksimpkins: access to the EPG on sky for example is very difficult and costly [20:05] rossm: ah, san diego, at last [20:05] *** genmon has signed off IRC (). [20:05] tengi: googleTV [20:05] jbond: Hi Ross [20:05] marksimpkins: hi ross [20:05] jbond: Just arrived? [20:05] crysflame: the goal was to find a solution given the limitations of the problem i posed myself [20:05] tengi: didn't they start something already? [20:05] rossm: hi julian, mark, just arrived, sitting in the lobby [20:05] marksimpkins: so, they are talking about Azareus with RSS [20:05] jbond: you're late! ;) [20:06] rossm: with all the attentions streaming all over, I haven't missed a thing [20:06] Suw: KevinMarks: i'm off [20:06] KevinMarks: you've been off for years... [20:06] Suw: :-p [20:06] jbond: smells a bit but a heart of gold [20:06] marksimpkins: forget the STB, they are dissposible commodity [20:06] Suw: but i showered only this morning! [20:07] *** stefan has joined #etech. [20:07] dviner: forget tivo ;) [20:07] marksimpkins: IPTV, ummmm Hull [20:07] jbond: that was then, this is now. ;) [20:07] tengi: an IP channel won't scale without an IP multicast infrastructure [20:07] Suw: t'ra all. enjoy etech. [20:07] * Suw mutters something under her breath [20:07] marksimpkins: bye [20:07] jbond: bye bye [20:07] Earthman: bye [20:07] * Suw waves [20:07] Suw: see you all tomorrow [20:07] cybaea: Bye suw [20:07] Suw: t'ra cybaea :) [20:07] wseltzer: see you Suw [20:07] jrnoded: night [20:07] *** stefan has left #etech. [20:08] Suw: wendy!! [20:08] tengi: IPTV - the webcam channel [20:08] Suw: sorry to miss you - maybe catch you tomorrow [20:08] *** Suw has signed off IRC (). [20:08] jbond: Need peercasting [20:08] jbond: as used by the pr0n industry [20:08] dviner: what's peercasting? [20:08] *** cygmund has signed off IRC (). [20:09] marksimpkins: and so back to pr0n leading the tecnology wave... [20:09] *** joho has signed off IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)). [20:09] *** plazes has joined #etech. [20:09] rossm: nice, someone is playing a piano next to me [20:09] jbond: (Link: [20:10] *** joho has joined #etech. [20:10] *** TrevorFSmith has signed off IRC ("ZZZzzz..."). [20:10] jbond: (Link: [20:10] ChrisDodo: the Tangible Computing slides are available at (Link: [20:10] marksimpkins: humm, not clicking on that one :) [20:10] *** xicubed_ has joined #etech. [20:11] rossm: the lobby piano player is playing Coldplay [20:11] jbond: It's an internet pr0n TV channel. Using P2P multicasting so the bandwidth doesn't kill them. [20:11] marksimpkins: cool